Ekstraksi Fitur Tekstur dan Warna pada Kulit Katak Menggunakan GLCM dan Momen Warna
Anura, Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix, Momen Warna, KStarAbstract
Anura is an order in the Amphibian class consisting of frogs and toads. Anura is very important in the ecosystem, especially its role as part of the food chain. Anura's main role is to maintain the balance of the ecosystem and as a bioindicator agent for changing environmental conditions such as water pollution, habitat destruction, disease and parasites, and climate change. This research applies digital image processing technology which is expected to assist in detecting types of frogs based on color and texture. This research uses 5 types of frogs, namely kongkang gading, kongkang poison, striped trees, small trees and flying trees with 20 images of each type of frog. This research uses the color feature extraction methods such Color Moment and texture extraction GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurance Matrix), then classified using K-Star. The results of the K-Star performance evaluation to classify the 5 types of frogs obtained the Accuracy (Acc) value of 0.93, Precision (Prec) of 0.94, Recall (Rec) of 0.93 and F-measure of 0.93. So that the classification results of frog species on texture and color feature extraction using the GLCM method and the Color Moment with the K-Star classification method have high performance and can work well.
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